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Dear Parents,
You’re stressed and somewhat overwhelmed by how radically the admissions process has changed. You want to avoid errors and help your child to maximize his or her chances of getting into a top school that’s a great fit. You don’t want to fight and be the “admissions police.” You want someone else who you can trust to handle it. You want your child to be happy and successful. You’d like some expert help.
The college and university admissions process has become increasingly complex and competitive. The bar for achievement has been raised. Ivy Options plays a pivotal role in one of the biggest decisions your family will make. By providing individualized and comprehensive services, we deliver professional guidance, whether your child needs an Ivy League college admissions specialist, or assistance applying to a top 100 selective private college or popular public flagship university.
Quite simply, Ivy Options provides the individualized attention that many guidance counselors are unable to offer. While our experience has been that most school-based counselors are knowledgeable and dedicated, they are limited in the amount of time they can devote to each student’s individual needs. Due to high student-to-counselor ratios and other duties they must perform, school-based counselors cannot provide the quality, personalized attention that takes on even greater importance in the sphere of highly selective university admissions.
Even private school counselors with lower student to counselor ratios face limitations. Their mandate is often to maximize the admissions profile of the entire class, which may come at the expense of the individual student. They, like their public-school peers, are generally not available on nights and weekends, and certainly not during summer vacation, when much of the essay and application work is begun. Further, as a consequence of constraints on their schedules, private school counselors are generally limited in their ability to review and provide assistance with the many essays students will be required to write as part of their applications to highly competitive universities.
We’ll take it from here.
Ivy Options has no conflicting agendas. We advocate solely for your child. We provide hands-on help, counseling your student one-to-one. We manage all the requirements of the admissions process, so you don’t have to. We are available to meet and offer guidance and support to both you and your child. We serve as a buffer and provide a source of calm in a process that can be filled with stress.
Ivy Options serves as a third party, obviating your need to serve as the “admissions police.” As your child begins the process of separation, battles may ensue over issues of control and independence. You don’t want the admissions process to get in the way of your relationship with your child, and neither do we. Let us be the intermediary, so you can enjoy your time with your child, before he or she leaves for college.
Best regards,

Mary Ellen Simoni
Director and Founder
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